Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bailey's thoughts on Mom and Dad

I got this from a friend and thought I'd share Bailey's answers with everyone. We asked the same questions for mom and dad but she said the same answer for both of us on most of them, a few of them she did give us a different answer. We didn't prompt her on any question and some of her answers are very silly but it was fun hearing what she had to say.

1. What is something mom/dad always says to you? go to time out
2. What makes mom/dad happy? hug and kiss/big hug and kiss
3. What makes mom/dad sad? when I cry, waaa waaa waaa
4. What does your mom/dad do that makes you laugh? funny eyes
5. What was your mom/dad like as a child? silly baby
6. How old is your mom/dad? 3/4
7. How tall is your mom/dad? really really tall/really really really tall
8. What is mom/dad's favorite thing to do? play with toys/play with doggies
9. What does your mom/dad do when you're not around? get lost/stay up longer and watch tv
10. If your mom/dad becomes famous, what will it be for? eating carrots(we had carrots with dinner)
11. What is mom/dad really good at? putting on clothes/reading stories
12. What does mom/dad do for a job? play/talk to people
13. What is mom/dad's favorite food? octopus/turtle???
14. What makes you proud of mom/dad? big hug and kiss
15. If your mom/dad were a cartoon character, who would she/he be? butterfly/Halloween
16. What do you and your mom/dad do together? play fun games/share cookie ice cream
17. How are you and your mom/dad the same? girls
18. How are you and your mom/dad different? taller/ boy
19. How do you know your mom/dad loves you? big hug and kiss
20. What does your mom like most about your dad? hugs and kisses
21. What does your dad like most about your mom? hugs and kisses
22. Where is your mom/dad's favorite place to go? dollar store
23. How old was your mom/dad when you was born? 3
24. What is your favorite color? purple and pink


  1. I love it! I so have to steal this and play it with Kali! K? K!

  2. I just cracked up! It was super cute and hilarious! Silly Bailey!
