Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend for First's

So last night we experienced our first earthquake after 4 years. I know it was going to happen eventually, but I still wasn't expecting it last night. It was a 5.0 that only lasted for about 10-15 seconds, but still the ground moved and that's just not normal!! Jeremy was home with Bailey reading a book and said the entire house started shaking. It really didn't phase Bailey at all she just asked, "What was that noise?" and carried on. I on the other hand was in my car leaving the gym and my entire car started rocking back and forth and I just looked at my friend and asked if her car was moving, then we realized it was an earthquake. After having a slight panic attack I was fine and came home just waiting to feel aftershocks, but thank goodness never did. As much as I love CA and the weather I think I rather deal with a tornado anytime over earthquakes, at least with a tornado you can get a warning to prepare and your not surprised when the ground beneath you starts to shake! Besides our first earthquake this weekend, Bailey also had a first; playing a new game called barbershop. Bailey and 2 of her friends Robin and Skyler decided to take turns playing barbershop. They each had a turn sitting on an upside down laundry basket(the barber's chair) getting new haircuts. You always hear about kids getting scissors and cutting their hair or someone elses but you never think that will be yours. Robin has a few chunks missing here and there, Skyler went from having no bangs ever to having her first bangs, and Bailey has bangs again only not so straight. We've been working so hard growing her bangs out and once again we will start over. Here's a few pics and I guess it really isn't that bad; I've seen much worse!


  1. We moved to Oregon partly because it was said to be relatively free of natural disasters. After we got here, they determined that we are overdue for the earthquake-from-hell. Great.

    I don't miss tornadoes though (being from Mississippi). At least earthquakes happen rarely whereas you can get tornado warnings a few times a week on occasion. Also, I've seen what they can do. Still, I hear you about how unsettling their utter unpredictability is. I had shoulder surgery in March, and immediately started worrying about the Big One hitting during the months that I would be more or less incapacitated.

  2. Thank goodness she didn't really wipe out her hair totally just before her flower girl debut... So you don't like the earthquakes. I didn't mind it. Just so long as the darn things don't open up the ground and swallow me up. So did any damage happen to the house? Can't wait to see you guys. Let us know when you will be getting in so we can plan on being there to get you... OK!!!

  3. OH MY GOD! I can't believe they all got hair cuts, Kali would have *FREAKED OUT* over that scenerio! James and I felt an earthquake one morning back when we first moved to Oceanside, for a split second I thought I was in a water bed, then realized it was an earthquake.... TORNADOES are way worse! I haven't been in one, but I SWEAR they are! K? K! See your face soon!
